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我是你二毛哥:其实我想 曝光下:亚马逊绿标 现在市面上服务商 其实是在割韭菜的。无意去断哪个人的饭碗,只是觉得卖家不易。

Globaleseller社区 2018-11-14 15:28
摘要:我是二毛哥:随意扯淡 大家别当真


什么是Vine 计划? 先看看官方之说:

Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions. Amazon invites customers to become Vine Voices based on their reviewer rank, which is a reflection of the quality and helpfulness of their reviews as judged by other Amazon customers. Amazon provides Vine members with free products that have been submitted to the program by participating vendors. Vine reviews are the independent opinions of the Vine Voices. The vendor cannot influence, modify or edit the reviews. Amazon does not modify or edit Vine reviews, as long as they comply with our posting guidelines. A Vine review is identified with the green stripe Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program. Why do you have the Amazon Vine program? The program was created to provide customers with more information including honest and unbiased feedback from some of Amazon's most trusted reviewers. How can I join the program? Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program. Vine Voices are selected based on several criteria, but primarily on the helpfulness of their reviews as judged by all other customers and by their demonstrated interest in the types of products that are featured in the program. Customers who consistently write helpful reviews and develop a reputation for expertise in specific product categories are most likely to be invited into the program. How are Vine Voices selected? We want the Voice program to reflect the best of our growing body of customer reviewers. We invite reviewers to participate in the Vine program based on feedback from other customers. A reviewer's rank is determined by the overall helpfulness of all their reviews, factoring in the number of reviews they have written. More weight is given to recent reviews. For more information on how reviewer rankings are determined, please visit How Ranking Works. Ultimately, Vine Voices become eligible based on the value and trust other Amazon.com customers place in the Voices' ability to provide helpful and insightful reviews. In addition to the reviewer rank, we also weigh customers' demonstrated interest in products similar to those enrolled in the Vine program. This facilitates product reviews by people who are familiar with the category they belong to. For example if a Vine Voice mostly purchases and/or reviews home and garden products, it is more likely they will be offered similar products. Where does Amazon get the products? Products are provided by publishers, labels, studios, manufacturers or any vendor participating in the program. Are Vine Voices expected to write only positive reviews? No. We welcome honest opinion about the product - positive or negative. Of course Vine reviews must conform to all our posting guidelines. Customers can vote on the helpfulness of Vine reviews just like they can for any other review. Are Vine Voices paid for writing reviews or pressured to write favorable reviews? No. Voices are not paid to participate in the program and write reviews. Voices are selected to participate based on their helpfulness of reviews voted on by other Amazon customers. If a Vine Voice writes a negative review, will it impact his or her reviewer ranking? No. Writing a negative review will not impact a Voice's reviewer ranking. A reviewer's ranking is determined by the number of helpful votes from other customers. Customers tend to value substantive, informative, detailed and objective reviews, regardless of whether the review is positive, negative, or neutral. Do Vine Voices receive products before they are released? Yes. Some participating vendors will enroll pre-release products for Voices to review prior to launch. Can the participating vendors contact or otherwise influence Vine Voices? No. All Vine products are submitted by vendors to Amazon, and distributed by Amazon to the Vine Voices. Vendors have no contact with the Vine Voices, and have no influence over which Vine Voices will review their products.


那么怎么可以搞到vine,土鳖一点说 你需要一个vc账号。

然后有了vc账号,你就可以根据流程,发货啊,付款啊 ,申请vine了。




其实我想 曝光下:亚马逊绿标 现在市面上服务商 其实是在割韭菜的。无意去断哪个人的饭碗,只是觉得卖家不易。


1.亚马逊官方 对于vine评论是 2500美金 30个评论

2.服务商为啥收4000 因为4000人民币是纯利。



他们是这么操作的 绿标都是通过VC绑无效信用卡申报绿标计划,先完成计划后扣款,vc扣款滞后性,  

然后亚马逊其实收不到这个所谓的款的。。然后 大家懂得。 里面真假,大家自个琢磨。

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